How to transcribe your research interviews; a DIY guide

Transcribing your research interviews

2020 UPDATE: Here’s a 2-part comprehensive guide on how to transcribe your dissertation interviews.

For whatever reason you may not be able to hire us to transcribe your research interviews for you. In that case, here is a simple guide on how you can transcribe your research interviews and start analyzing your data.

What you need to transcribe your research interviews

There are a number of items you are going to need.

  • Obviously, you are going to need the recording of the qualitative interviews in a digital format. Mp3 is probably the most popular and is supported by most transcription software. You may need a software to convert your audio interviews from the recorded format to a format that is supported by your transcription software.
  • You will need access to a desktop computer. If  you plan to use a laptop, I suggest getting an external keyboard and mouse.
  • You are going to need a transcription software that allows you to playback the thesis interviews and supports global keys. Global keys are important as they will allow you to play and pause the recording without having to switch back and forth between your word processor window and the transcription software’s window.  F4 is my transcription software of choice. Until a year ago it was free (as in beer), but now retails for about $45. I do have an older (free) version of F4 that I’m more than happy to share.  An alternative to F4 is Express Scribe. It’s free and you can download it at  I’ve also used InqScribe, it is a good software but pricey at $99.
  • You will also need a word processor. I personally use MS Word, but Pages or Open Office works. The advantage of a word processor software is that it has additional features, for instance autocorrect, that you can use while transcribing. Also note that most transcription software allow you to directly type into a text window, but they usually don’t have basic functionality (spell check please!).
  • You are going to need a pair of headphones. Get a pair that comfortably fits around your head. Not too tight or loose.
  • You will need a USB foot pedal.  This is a device that allows you to play and pause the transcription software using your feet. Pretty cool.
  • Finally, you need to be a good typist. You should be able to type at least 40 words per minute.  You will also need lots of time. It takes about 6 hours to transcribe, edit, and proofread an hour of audio.  Transcription requires patience and tenacity.
    Transcribing your research interviews

Once you have acquired all the necessary material, you’ll need to install them onto your computer, and set up your workstation.

Transcribing Mechanics

It is time to begin transcribing. The first step in my workflow is to open an MS Word document and save it. I usually give it a name identical to the audio file. It helps keep me organized.  Then you will need to play the recording of the research interview using your transcription software. Make sure your headphones are plugged in and listen to what you hear and type. That’s it.

A Few Tips

The trick to effective transcribing of interviews is trying to listen and transcribe at the same time. This leads to a seamless workflow that is very efficient.  A few tips I can share. You will want to set your autocorrect options to change character like i (small letter) to a capital I. The fewer the number of keys you need to type, the faster you will be.

Transcribing is all about the rhythm.  Try as much as possible to get into a “flow.” At the end of the video you can see that I was starting to get into my groove. That’s where you want to be. Endeavor,  as much as possible, to not use the mouse. Keyboard shortcut keys are a godsend. Use them as much as possible.

And if it’s get to be too much for you, get in touch. I’ll be happy to transcribe your dissertation interviews for you.

Happy transcribing.

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J R Williams
J R Williams
10 years ago

I have a Sony ICD-B600 digital recorder. It is not MP3. Will it work with ExpressScribe?

10 years ago

Dear Isaac,

Will you be able to send me that old and free version of f4 as it is really important for my work.
Thanks in advance 🙂

Reply to  Isaac
10 years ago

will do 🙂

Reply to  Isaac
10 years ago

Hey, can you e-mail me an old version of f4 as well? I really need it. Thank you!

10 years ago

Thanks! I contacted you, not sure if I got the e-mail right though.

7 years ago

What are your thoughts about using Dragon Diction software to initiate the transcribing process, then cleaning it up?

7 years ago

If you are still offering the old version of f4, I would love to get a link for the download.

6 years ago

Hi. How can I transcribe an EFL class a.s.a.p.
It is bilingual.