Category: Ethics

  • HIPAA/HITECH Compliant Cloud Storage for Researchers

    HIPAA/HITECH Compliant Cloud Storage for Researchers

    Is there a HIPAA/HITECH compliant cloud audio storage secure to store clinical research interviews? Can you provide a list of cloud services? What is HIPAA/HITECH?  HIPAA/HITECH refers to two laws: HIPAA is the acronym for

  • Confidentiality or Non-Disclosure Agreement for Transcription Services

    Confidentiality or Non-Disclosure Agreement for Transcription Services

    Non-disclosure agreements, also known as Confidentiality agreements or simply NDAs, are made to guarantee that information, which one party discloses to another party, is not disclosed to a third party and only used for a specific purpose outlined in the agreement. In your research project, non-disclosure agreements are an extension of your informed consent process.…

  • Informed Consent Form

    Informed Consent Form

    Informed Consent is a voluntary agreement to participate in academic research. It’s not simply a form that is signed, but a process. In which the research subject has an understanding of the research being undertaken and its risk. The purpose of the informed consent process is to offer sufficient information, so that a participant can…