Save 50% Off Your Interview Transcription Cost Using These 3 Simple Tips
True story. Recently, I got this transcription request from one of my clients. “Hi Isaac. How have you been? I would like to get information about how much it would cost to transcribe a 90 minute focus group discussion. Ideally, I’d like to have the transcript within the next day or so. I have attached…
Research interview recording: 3 Worst Recorders to Buy
A while back, I wrote a post about the 3 best recorders to buy recording qualitative one-on-one interviews, focus group discussions and so forth, for your dissertation or thesis study. Recently a couple of researchers got in touch with this question (I will paraphrase): “Hello Isaac, I have a recorded interviews for my research study…
Death of Transcribers: Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Warning: if you are a transcriber STOP!!! Reading the rest of this post might be harmful to your health. In a year’s time, a new app will be launched that is going to be the death of ALL transcribers. In a year’s time we are all going to be out of a job. Sad, but…
How to transcribe your research interviews; a DIY guide
2020 UPDATE: Here’s a 2-part comprehensive guide on how to transcribe your dissertation interviews. For whatever reason you may not be able to hire us to transcribe your research interviews for you. In that case, here is a simple guide on how you can transcribe your research interviews and start analyzing your data. What you…
Verbatim Transcription of Research Interviews and Focus Group Discussions
What is Verbatim Transcription Poland (1995) defines verbatim audio transcription as the word-for-word reproduction of verbal data, where the written words are an exact replication of the recorded (video or audio) words. With this definition, accuracy concerns the substance of the interview, that is, the meanings and perceptions created and shared during a conversation. And…
Reviewing Transcripts for Accuracy: The Ideal vs The Practical
There are many methods for ensuring transcription accuracy. For example, a concordance assessment involves two typists independently transcribing an interview and then comparing the two transcripts. However, it is rare that a researcher has the resources for acquiring the time of two typists for one transcript. Ideally a researcher would have access to as much…
Decision Time: What’s to be transcribed?
The level of detail included in a transcript should match the level of analysis being applied. Ethnographic work, for example, is interested in understanding values, beliefs and attitudes and how they are articulated across various social contexts. This will require distinctly different transcription of the interviews or focus group discussions than research on speech patterns.…
7 Principles for Developing Transcription Rules
Poor quality transcriptions can significantly delay the progress of a research project, so it is essential that best practices are kept in mind at all times. This post explores the intricacies of developing transcription rules that work for one’s specific research project before outlining seven principles that help guide researchers in this endeavor. Developing Rules…
Understanding the Focus Group in Social Science Research
Focus groups can be an effective cost and time saving technique for social science researchers, depending on the type and design of the research study being conducted with the aim of identifying areas of agreement and disagreement among the participants. Their original purpose was not to be a standalone method of data collection, rather, they…
Qualitative Data Collection and Transcription Errors
What are the most common qualitative data collection and transcription errors? Read on and find out how you can avoid them. Pitfalls and problems occur in every type of research, but rarely are they discussed in the realm of transcription. Easton, McComish, and Greenberg’s article Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Qualitative Data Collection and Transcription, published…