How to Organize Qualitative Data
In summary, here are 5 easy steps to organizing your qualitative data Choose and follow a clear file naming system Develop a data tracking system Establish and document transcription/translation procedures Establish quality control procedures Establish a Realistic Timeline Before we explore the 5 steps in-depth, what is qualitative data? Qualitative data is information that characterizes…
When Should You Get Your Dissertation Interviews Transcribed?
Recently, I received this email from a doctoral student. “I am in a bit of a bind. I have just defended my dissertation, and I have two committee members who will not pass me, because I coded directly on my audio instead of transcribing. They are now requiring transcripts in order for me to pass.…
Intelligent Verbatim Transcription
“[A] transcript is a text that ‘re’-presents an event; it is not the event itself. Following this logic, what is re-presented is data constructed by a researcher for a particular purpose, not just talk written down.” (GREEN et al. 1997, p.172) Intelligent verbatim transcription, also known as clean transcripts, is a popular style of transcription…
3 Ways To Share Your Research Interviews With Your Transcriber
Sharing your recorded research interviews with your transcriber can be a mind boggling task. And more often than not the challenge is the size of the audio/video files. Those “file is too big, cannot send” email messages are really annoying, especially after recording high quality audio interviews. So how do you easily and securely share…
How To Transcribe an Interview for Dissertation – Part 2
“[I]t is a truism to note that all transcription is in some sense interpretation …” (Cook, 1990, p.12) In the first post (please read!) of this 2 part series on how to transcribe an interview for dissertation, I gave you on overview of the transcription process, equipment you’ll need, 3 ways to transcribe your interviews and…
Psychotherapy Verbatim Transcription Guide
A while back I wrote a post about general verbatim transcription convections that we use. However, I am always open to creating a verbatim transcription rules for clients. Recently a psychotherapist got in touch looking for a verbatim transcription services of a counseling session using the psychotherapy transcription standards by Mergenthaler and Stinson (1992). The…
The Problem Have you tried looking for an easy to use transcription software? You may have and I am sure you were disappointed. I was. A while back I DIY guide on how to transcribe your research interviews. In that post I offered copies of an older version of the software that I used to…
How To Pay Your Transcription Invoice Using A Credit Or Debit Card
There are a few ways you can pay your transcription invoice from Academic Transcription Services. A while ago I started to accept credit and debit card payments from you, my clients. In the first half of 2014, credit and debit card payments accounted for over 50% of our transactions (an impressive growth from 16% last…
How to Record Research Interviews Conducted via Skype
“Hello Isaac. I’m going to be doing one of my research interviews via Skype. Do you have a preference for the type of recorder I use for Skype or do you just want the mp3 file?” – PhD Student. Dear PhD student, Skype is a great asset in your research. If you, and your respondent,…
Dissertation Interview Transcription – How long does it take?
Are you planning to transcribe your dissertation interviews and wondering how long it’s going to take? I’m going to be honest. Transcription is a soul destroying nightmare! It’s the PhD bane. And takes forever. So if you’re easily frustrated, make sure to bolt your laptop down or you might find it sailing out of your…