Best Audio Recorder for Focus Groups

Focus group recording devices

Recording focus group discussion is not easy.

Focus groups are notoriously hard to control and manage. But crucially, you’ll have to record sound from different sources and directions. That’s not easy.

Luckily for you, there’s recording equipment that make recording focus group discussion easier. And that’s my intention, to share with you the best focus group recording devices.

In a previous post, I shared a general outline of how to record a focus group discussion. I listed the 3 things you need to think about while planning your focus groups. I also shared specific recording devices for recording different types of focus group discussions.

But I realized that I didn’t provide researchers with options and recommendations.

Summary: Here’s the Best Audio Recorder for Focus Groups

Sony ICD-ux570 and 2 Boundary Mics
  1. Sony ICD-ux570 Audio Recorder

    A couple of these recorders are great for small sized focus groups. But can also be used to power two ME33 boundary microphones and record slightly larger focus groups. Buy the Sony ICD-ux570 from Amazon.
  2. Olympus ME33 Boundary Microphone

    The best microphone for recording medium and large focus groups; works well with the Zoom H1n digital recorder. Buy Olympus ME33 from Amazon.
  3. Zoom H1n

    With the 2.5v plug in power output and USB charger (5v) capabilities, this is a great digital recorder for powering more than two ME33 boundary mics and recording your larger focus group. Buy Zoom H1n from Amazon.

Before I get to that, there are a couple of general tips that I want to share with you on recording focus groups. And they stem from a realization that most researchers see focus groups as a way to collect rich data in less time and with less effort.

How naïve!

When it’s time to get the FGs transcribed, researchers get in touch – looking to hire us to transcribe the focus group discussions for them. And there’s usually a bit of back and forth as we try to manage expectations on the quality of the data/transcripts that they’ll get from their poorly recorded focus group discussions.

If there is one thing that I’d like you to take away from this post, contrary to popular opinion, is that to conduct a good focus group, you’ll need to do a lot of planning – which takes time and resources. So here are my top 2 tips to get you started:

A Couple of Tips

Visit the Venue

A preliminary visit to the room where you are going to record the focus group is a must! I can’t over stress this. Unless you are very familiar with the location where you’re going to record the focus groups (which means that it’s not a neutral location – and you should not be using it to conduct the focus groups), you should plan for a preliminary visit to the room.

Best audio recorder for focus groups

Once you visit the room, there are a lot of things you need to check. I’m only going to touch on those that determine the quality of the recording, (but do make sure that the room puts your participants at ease and that they’ll be comfortable).

The first thing you’ll need to check is background noise.

Does sound come from adjacent room, or from a busy highway? Fans and air conditioning create a lot of background noise. So you might want to move them around or switch them off or at least set them at a lower setting.

You also want to visit the venue at around the same time of the day – and preferably on the same day of week, as when you intend to conduct the focus groups. The local marching band might be practicing in the adjacent room – happened to me.

Finally you want to have at least one alternative venue where you can conduct the focus group discussion is case there is an issue with the primary venue. If you don’t, and maybe your primary room is locked, you’ll be in a bind.

Do a Test Recording

Again this is a must. You’ll want to familiarize yourself with the equipment and make sure that it works. And the test recording doesn’t have to be long, 5 minutes should suffice to let you know that you can capture audio from all the participants.

When you visit the venue of the focus group discussion, you’re likely to be accompanied by your moderator and maybe someone from the venue (receptionist, librarian etc). Kindly ask them sit around the table and record the interaction whilst you monitor the recording.

If you also plan to conduct research interviews, you’ll use the same equipment, for instance the Sony ICD-ux570, to record your interviews ( and here is a great post, with additional interview recording tips, on choosing the best voice recorder for interviews). Interviews are easier to manage and you should use that opportunity to get to know your recording equipment. If possible, conduct and record a few interviews before your first focus group discussion.

Finally, most participants are uneasy about being recorded. From my personal experience, let them play with the recording equipment beforehand.  The first focus group I conducted, I was a nervous wreck. One of my key informants noticed this and got me talking about my new mini-cassette recorder. As the rest of the participants walked in, we passed it around, and they all joined in the discussion and that was a great ice breaker. Try it!

Best Audio Recorder for Focus Groups

1. Sony ICD-ux570

Best audio recorder for focus group discussions: Sony ICD-ux560

The Sony ICD-ux570 is the recorder you’ll want to get if you plan on recording small sized focus group discussions. Its greatest selling point is the ability to record high quality sound files in the .wav format and that you can visually monitor the microphones input on the screen. Great for doing that test recording I talked about.

My only concern is that it comes with 4GB of internal memory. That’s about 6 hours’ worth of good high quality recordings. You may want to get a 64 GB MicroSD card as additional memory. Here’s a detailed review of the Sony ICD ux570. For small focus groups, you’ll want to buy at least a couple of these recorders so that you can clearly capture all the participants. For slightly larger focus groups in a roomy location, get a couple of ME33 boundary mics and use the Sony ux570 to power them. Buy Sony ICD-ux570 from Amazon.

2. Olympus ME33 Boundary Mic

While a couple of Sony ux570s are perfect for recording small focus group discussions, they are not great for medium to large focus groups. And that’s because the internal microphones cannot cover a wide area without picking up a lot of background noise.

Olympus ME33 Boundary Microphone
Olympus ME33 Boundary Microphone

I realize that this is a post of audio recorders, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the only device you can use to audio record medium and large focus groups: boundary microphones.

The Olympus ME33 boundary microphones captures very little background noise, but captures distant voices very well. And you can connect up to 6 microphones using its daisy chain capabilities. All that equates to very large coverage.

That makes the Olympus ME33 boundary microphone perfect for recording audio in large meeting or conference rooms. The only downside: you’ll need a digital recorder that provides plug in power.

Let me repeat that.

The ME33 will not work unless you connect it to a digital voice recorder that provides plug-in power.

Depending on your location and number of participants, you have a couple of options. If you plan to use only a couple of boundary microphones (covers about 40sqft), use the Sony ICD-ux570 to power them. I’ve tested this setup and it works very well. If you plan to use more than a couple of the ME33 boundary microphones I recommend the Zoom H1n.

Here is a detailed review (with a few tips on how to set them up) of the Olympus ME33 boundary microphones. To reiterate, if you need to effectively cover a large recording area, get the ME33s (at least 2 of them) coupled with a digital recorder to power them. Buy Olympus ME33 boundary mics from Amazon.

3. Zoom H1n

Zoom H1n with ME33 boundary microphones for recording focus group discussions

Coupled with the Olympus ME33 boundary microphones, the Zoom H1n is the recorder I recommend for recording medium to large focus group discussions: whenever you daisy chain more than a couple ME33 boundary microphones. The main reason why I recommend the H1n is because it will output enough power to 6 ME33 boundary microphones without loss of sensitivity.

Not only does the Zoom H1n output 2.5v plug-in power, but you have the added advantage of being able to power it using a 5v USB charger. As opposed to batteries (which reduce power output as they discharge), you’ll be able to provide optimal power to your ME33 boundary microphones. Perfect!

Now, the Zoom H1n does not come with a USB charger, that’s sold separately in an Zoom APH-1n Accessory Pack (amazon link). But any 5v USB charger works (my phone USB charger works great). And you’ll also need to buy Micro SD card to store the recording (here’s one (Amazon link) that I use on my H1n).

I recently penned a detailed review of the Zoom H1n, but let me highlight a few other great features of this recorder.  You can record high quality sound using the Zoom H1n 96 kHz 24 bit Wav format. You can visually monitor the stereo mic inputs onscreen. Also monitor the recording, while the recording is ongoing, with a pair of headphones (great if you have a dedicated assistant to record your focus groups)… Great professional quality digital recorder that I recommend for powering more than two ME33 boundary microphones. Buy Zoom H1n digital recorder from Amazon.

That’s it for this post. I hope you’ve found it useful. If you have any questions, post them in the comment section below. I do read all of your comments and endeavor to answer all of your questions. All the best in your research.


Isaac here. At Weloty, we provide bespoke academic transcription services to qualitative researchers. If you wish to hire us, get in touch. Please note that if you choose to buy the products we recommend as a result of our research and testing, we’ll get paid some money through an affiliate commission from the retailer when you make a purchase. You can find out more here.

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6 years ago

Thank you for such useful blogs about recording focus groups! I am nervous about the sensitivity of the Tascam and want to purchase the Sony recorder you recommend because I may not be able to control background noise in some of our groups. The problem is that I’ll be recording for a group of 12 and from your advice should use boundary mics. Is there an external power source that can be used with the Olympus boundary mics if I get the Sony recorder?

Doris Alvarez
Doris Alvarez
6 years ago

Isaac, I am a complete newbie when it comes to recordings. I have a group of 12-20 I want to record in a series of meetings- a focus group I guess. I am not sure what you mean by boundary microphones. Where do you purchase these? I know Amazon has the Tascam. Where can I find help on setting something like this up. What kind of store?

6 years ago

Isaac –
First, THANK YOU for this awesome post. It’s exactly what I needed for a project I’m undertaking.
Question: Did you happen to test the Sony with a daisy chain of six boundary mikes to see if it outputs enough to power them?
I’m preparing to record a series of focus groups over the next eight weeks and need to make certain we get the audio recorded.

Reply to  Isaac
5 years ago

MIght you be able to suggest a specific 5v USB charger that you like?

Sandy Bargainnier
Sandy Bargainnier
6 years ago

I am new to running focus grous and plan to use my iphone6 S–do these mics plug into phones?

6 years ago

Hi Isaac, Thank you for this great post. I am about to embark on a research project using focus groups for the first time. I expect my groups to have (roughly) 7 to 10 people and think I will be able to find a relatively cozy space for recording somewhere on my university campus. Would you consider this a small focus group? I am a little bit intimidated by the Zoom H1n (and technology generally). Do you think a couple of Sony ICD-UX560s with Olympus ME33s will work? How many of each device do you recommend? (I don’t really understand how two of the Sony recorders would work together?) Anyways, thanks for your expertise! Best, MJ

Peigi Askew
Peigi Askew
5 years ago

Hi There, I am conducting focus group with 4-7 people. I have an Olympus VN- 8500PC voice recorder. Do you know which microphone I can pare with this?

I’m guessing the Olympus ME33 Boundary Microphone won’t work?

Juliana Cuccaro
Juliana Cuccaro
5 years ago

Hi, thanks for making such useful posts! This is exactly what I need for my dissertation. I was planning on doing focus groups of 7-10 people and getting the Sony ICD PX-470. It would be in a small furnished living room setting. Would you still recommend the Sony ICD UX-560 for this case or would the PX-470 work fine?


Frances K
Frances K
4 years ago

Hello, Isaac – really glad I came across your posts, learning a lot from them! I am a postdoc researcher new to qualitative research and am preparing to start a project in Zambia in which I will conduct focus groups discussions and one-on-one interviews. Based on your recommendations, I am planning to purchase the Sony UX570 recorder. I will have 3 Zambian research assistants working with me (they will primarily be the ones moderating the focus groups, and will conduct the interviews on my behalf).

My main concern is making sure I have the appropriate equipment to record clear audio from my focus group discussions so that I can transcribe the data afterward. I want to make these purchases before I travel from the US to Zambia to avoid ordering/shipping issues once I am abroad.

I had been planning to purchase 4 of the Sony UX570 recorders – to have 1 each for me and the 3 assistants, and also to be able to put multiple around the room during focus groups so that I have backup recordings in case one of them is not clear. I will be conducting focus groups of 15 participants max. The groups will consist of students, parents, or teachers. Given the current COVID-19 situation, I will also have to acommodate social distancing guidelines in the setup of my focus groups, which may require the use of a larger room and presumably participants will be farther apart than normal. Since I am not on the ground there yet, it is difficult to anticipate the logistics right now – I’m guessing we may ultimately need to cut the number of participants per focus group (perhaps down to 10).

Regarding purchasing boundary mics – I see you have consistently recommended the Olympus ME33 from Amazon. This mic is quite expensive, and I have a rather limited budget for my project. I was wondering if you have any recommendations for other boundary mics that might be a little more affordable but of equally good quality? When I opened the link for the ME33 on Amazon, it recommended a couple other products to me, including: Kaysuda Omnidirectional Microphone, Movo Conference Microphone, and SoundTech Conference Microphone.

Secondarily, do you think setting up 4 recorders per focus group of 15 people (e.g., one on each side of the room) would be advisable? Would it be doable to use 4 recorders and no mics? Or would it be better to use fewer recorders per focus group (perhaps 2, one at front and one at back) and connect those to mics? If so, how many mics per recorder would you recommend for this size of focus group?

Thanks for reading, I hope you stuck with me through all that! To recap:

1) Would you recommend using 4 audio recorders placed on each side of the room for a focus group discussion of 15 people max, or would you recommend using fewer recorders?

2) If using 4 recorders, do I need boundary mics? If so, would you recommend 1 boundary mic for each? If using less than 4 recorders, how many boundary mics would you use per recorder?

3) Do you have any recommendations for boundary mics that are less expensive than the M33?


Frances K
Frances K
Reply to  Isaac
3 years ago

Hi Isaac, thanks so much for your response – it really gave me a lot to think about, and I sincerely apologize for my delayed response! When I originally wrote that I would have 15 participants per FG, I was thinking that I would arrange them in desks placed in rows, like in a classroom (the majority of the FGs will be taking place in schools) – however, another colleague has since pointed out that having desks arranged in a circle, or participants gathered around a large table, will be more conducive to discussion. In light of that, I think I’m going to reduce my max to 10 participants per FG – I’m waiting to hear back from my team in Zambia, but I suspect that it will be difficult to find a room large enough to arrange more than that in a circle to accommodate social distancing requirements.

So, keeping in mind that there will be ~12 people (10 participants + 2 moderators) arranged in an enclosed shape (square/circle, etc. rather than rows) in each FG, I’ve estimated that I’ll need at least a 20′ x 20′ room (preferably a bit bigger than that if I can manage it). In this scenario, would you still recommend 6 recorders (or 6 microphones), or do you think 4 would be enough for a group/room of this size?

I feel pretty confident in my tech abilities, so I am leaning toward going with the multiple recorders option vs. microphones option, to keep within the bounds of my budget. I should be able to manage the syncing/merging aspect.

Thank you again for your input! I really appreciate it!!

Frances K
Frances K
Reply to  Isaac
3 years ago

Awesome, thanks so much – I’ll look forward to your future posts about the microphones!

I was also reading through your recommendations for microSD cards – I see for the UX570, you recommended getting the Samsung EVO Select SDXC 64 GB card. When I click on the link in your blog post, it takes me to a page for that product priced at $28/card, but there is also a link on that product page to a newer model priced at only $11/card. I compared them side-by-side and they seem to be basically the same – is there any reason why this newer model wouldn’t work as well with the UX570?

Thanks again for your help!

Frances K
Frances K
Reply to  Isaac
3 years ago

Thanks so much. One last question for now – I’m back to waffling a bit between the multiple recorders vs. boundary microphone approach.

With this smaller FG setup (10-12 people in a 20×20 foot room), I wanted to get your thoughts on whether 4 boundary microphones would be sufficient in that case? And would I be able to use the UX570 with 4 ME33s rather than the H1n? From what I’ve read about the H1n it seems a little intimidating, so I’d rather stick with the UX570 if it’s feasible.

So in this scenario I’d have 1 UX570 hooked up to 4 ME33s, with one microSD card and a powerbank to help keep the recorder going.

Frances K
Frances K
Reply to  Isaac
3 years ago

Thanks, Isaac – after reading through all your posts and comments, numerous reviews, etc., I think I’m now convinced on getting a Zoom H1n and 4 boundary microphones after all. There’s one thing I’m confused about, though – in your last comment, you wrote that it’s not good to use devices while charging them, in this case the UX570. I’m assuming the concern here is that hooking up the UX570 to more than 2 microphones would drain the battery too fast, but that connecting the UX570 to a powerbank to maintain charge while it’s in use would be bad for the internal battery longevity – is that correct? (I will probably only need to record for 1-3 hours each day with the way my project will be set up, and I will only need my equipment to last a year because after that the project will be done.)

However, in your first comment you wrote that with the H1n I would want to either stock up on AAA batteries or have a good powerbank. So I’m wondering, why is it okay to power the H1n while it’s in use with a powerbank, but not the UX570? (If I understood that correctly.) Does it just come down to differences in the internal electronics of each recorder?

3 years ago

Hi Isaac, thanks for this useful post. I am wondering whether you have an update on the post by now, so would you suggest different devices at this point of time to use for a focus group between 6 and 20 people than the Zoom H1n, splitter, 2-6 Olympus ME33 Boundary Mic, 5v USB charger, and Micro SD card? Which splitter would you suggest to buy? I read something about the Zoom H4nPro and wonder whether this would be a better choice than the zoom h1n?

9 months ago


I know it has been quite a while since the last reply on this post, but I figured I would give it a try regardless. Is there a password-protected voice/audio recorder you might recommend for use with a Olympus ME-33 Boundary Microphone? I’m looking for something fairly affordable as I do have a budget.

Thank you!