Recording Qualitative Interviews: Mobile Phone or Dedicated Voice Recorder?
Obviously a dedicated voice recorder. That’s been my default answer. But I recently got this comment from a reader of this blog: “Have recently finished about 20 qualitative interviews and used a ‘Voice Recorder’ app downloaded to my phone. Everything was crisp clear except for one interview in a ‘quiet’ restaurant that later became noisy…
Best Sony Voice Recorder
Truth be told, I’ve never been a fan of Sony. I’ve always thought their build quality was “so so” – owned a Sony Walkman that gobbled up my MJ tape, I was not happy. However, I now own a few Sony voice recorders and I’m impressed. Because I had such low expectations?
Best Olympus Voice Recorder
The Olympus brand is synonymous with voice recorders, since they introduced the Zuiko Pearlcoder – the world’s first microcassette tape recorder, in 1969. And in 1997 announced the D1000, their first digital voice recorder. My first voice recorder was an Olympus microcassette tape recorder that took me through college. Since then I’ve been a loyal…
Best Microphone for Voice Recorder
Normally, voice recorders are good enough for recording interviews, focus group discussions, and meetings. Their modern internal in-built microphones have progressively become better – and at par with most external microphones. However,
Best microSD Card for your Voice Recorder
What are the 3 things that you need to consider before you buy a microSD card for your voice recorder? Capacity The most important consideration
Sony ICD-ux560 vs Sony ICD-PX470
“I’m looking to buy a recorder for my classes for ease and I was wondering what would be the big difference between the Sony ICD-ux560 and Sony ICD-PX470. I noticed the PX470 was cheaper and it was an amazon choice.” Ji. Ji’s questions
Best Voice Recorder for Meetings
I lied! Sorry. This post is not (only) about the best voice recorder for meetings; though you’ll find the 3 recorders I recommend at the bottom of the post.
Best Digital Voice Recorder for Journalists
A few years back, I had the pleasure of meeting up with one of our clients. As we were having coffee he asked me if he could record our conversation; as a journalist, he sees stories everywhere. He reached into his pocket and got out his iPhone to record the conversation!!! Aghast, I instantly understood…
Best Digital Voice Recorder for Writers
Today, I’m trying out something new. Using a voice recorder, I’m going to dictate this post, transcribe it, then publish it. And today is the perfect day to try dictating, as I’m penning this post on best digital voice recorders for writers. This year, I do plan to write a lot of posts, so I…
Best Digital Voice Recorder with Overwrite Function
So. Yesterday, I opened my email and found this question from a reader. “[Sony ICD-]ux560 was provided by my company for dictation purposes. Unless I missed something, it doesn’t seem to allow me to “edit as I go”. In other words, I dictate a paragraph or sentence, review it and want to “redo” it…or I…